Spanish Dockworkers End Strike After Cutting Deal With Employers
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Spanish Dockworkers End Strike After Cutting Deal With Employers
Posted on Feb 24
After the Port employers’ association guaranteed the jobs of 6,200 striking Spanish dockworkers and agreed to a three-year transition phase during which no changes to current working conditions will be made, the Spanish Dockworkers Union called off the port strikes there.
The unions agreed to a 10% wage cut and early retirement for older members in return.
The International Dockworkers Council is expected to call off the Europe-wide strike that was planned for 10 am tomorrow.
Spanish Strike Might Expand to Other European Ports
June 23rd, 2017The International Dockworkers Council (IDC) has called for a Europe-wide two-hour port strike on June 29th in support of Spanish dockworkers and in opposition to what it calls “ultra-liberal” policies of the European Commission (EC).
It is unclear yet if the strike will take place and what the impact will be. We will continue to monitor the situation and advise any updates as soon as they become available.
Spanish Port Employers and Dock Workers Start Talks
June 13th, 2017
Port employers and dock workers are holding talks trying to avert the port shutdown planned to start tomorrow in Spain, after the Dockworkers Union alleges that the Employers have backtracked on a pledge to safeguard 6,150 jobs.
The two-day strike would be for full days, while the work actions planned for the following weeks would be hourly stoppages.
We will advise further updates when known.
Spanish Dockworkers Plan to Extend Their Strike
June 7th, 2017
The plan is now to stop working on alternative hours on Wednesday and Friday of this week, full days on June 14 & 15, and then again every other hour on June 19,21, and 23.
This action will continue the productivity slow-downs that occurred over the last few weeks already, and carriers will be even more poised to switch cargo to alternate ports in Portugal, Morocco or even Malta.
We will continue to monitor the developments and will advise any updates as soon as they are known. Please contact your V. Alexander Account Team with any concerns on pending shipments.
Spain: Dockworkers Strike
June 6th, 2017
Spanish dockworkers have announced that they will strike for 3 days next week to protest government plans to liberalize hiring procedures in the ports.
The walkouts are planned for Monday, Wednesday and Friday next week (06/05, 06/07 and 06/09) with a chance or more to follow.
This action is taking place although the dockworkers cancelled their hourly strikes planned for the weeks until 06/09/17 after an agreement on other issues was reached with the Ports Employers Association.
Cargo delays are to be expected, and we will notify you if any of your freight is affected by this planned strike.
Threat of Strikes in Spanish Ports Resurfaces
May 16, 2017
Spanish trade unions again threaten to strike after the Spanish Government approved reforms the dock workers rejected on Friday.
The Spanish parliament has until next month to ratify the government’s proposal.
The dock workers threaten to strike between May 24 and June 9, again during odd hours each Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
Carriers report worker productivity drops and intentional work slow-downs in various Spanish ports already.
Further updates to follow when available.
Spanish Dockworkers Cancel Remaining Strikes
March 17, 2017
After the Spanish parliament failed to win the vote on the law reforming the dock labor system Spanish dockworkers cancelled the remaining strikes planned for March 17, 20, 11 and 24.
The dockworkers union plans to start negotiations with the government, employers, port operators and stevedore companies about issues pending from a European Court ruling in regards to the countries dock labor system.
It is not clear if failure of these negotiations will result in further action by the union in form of future strikes or work stoppages.
We will provide updates when they become available.
Spanish Dockworkers Partially Cancel Their Announced Strike
March 10, 2017
After the Spanish parliament delayed a vote on the law reforming the dock labor system Spanish dockworkers cancelled the strikes planned for March 10, 13 and 15.
Earlier this week they already cancelled the strikes scheduled for March 6 and March 8.
The strike dates of March 17, 20, 22, and 24 are still scheduled for work stoppages.
Port Strike in Spain Delayed, But Walkout Might Expand to Other European Ports
March 3, 2017
After Spanish dockworkers cancelled the strike announced earlier this week the International Dockworkers Council has called for a solidarity strike on March 10.
In coordination with the International Transport Workers Federation the IDC plans to stop work in European ports for three hours and in ports in the rest of the world for one hour should further negotiations with the Spanish government fail.
The IDC plans to ensure that ports in neighboring Marseille-Fos, Lisbon, Sines and Tangier will not handle cargo destined for Spain while the country’s dockworkers are on strike.
Further details to follow when known.
Dates for Port Strike in Spain
March 1, 2017
After the Spanish government approved a royal decree reforming the nation’s port labor system on Friday Spanish dockworkers have set the dates for strikes for March 6, 8, 10, 13, 15, 17, 20, 22, and 24. The strikes will take place every other hour starting on each of these days at 8 am local time. In the Port of Bilbao workers will stage day long strikes on these days.
The new law has to be approved by Parliament within a month.
It will allow ports, terminal operators, and other cargo stevedores to hire non-union workers and will remove the requirement that workers become members of local dock pools.
We will monitor the situation and will advise any impact on pending shipments when known.
Spain Might Face Nationwide Port Strikes
February 23rd, 2017
The Spanish dockworkers’ union has announced that its members will walk off the job on nine alternative days from March 6 through March 25 if the government proceeds with planned reforms of the country’s controversial dock labor system, which it claims will result in 7,000 to 8,000 job losses on the waterfront.
The Spanish government is expected to unveil reforms on Friday despite union threats of month-long industrial action in March that will severely disrupt the country’s foreign trade.
The union hopes that the planned reforms will be either rejected or amended as the ruling Popular Party does not have a majority in parliament.
The vote on the reforms is scheduled for mid-March.